A 4 Steps Guide To Planning The Year Without Getting Overwhelmed

Lucy Paulise career coaching A 4 Steps Guide To Planning The Year Without Getting Overwhelmed

Just as a compass points to the North, your career needs a guiding light. Define your long-term goals and aspirations, but remember, it’s okay if the path isn’t crystal clear. Planning for the future is essential, but it’s equally important to avoid being overwhelmed by the unknowns that lie ahead.

5 Strategies For Navigating Workplace Happiness In Challenging Times

5 Strategies For Navigating Workplace Happiness In Challenging Times

Being happy at work can be challenging sometimes, mainly when big organizational changes occur, layoffs occur, or when surrounded by colleagues who may appear unhappy. When managers are not feeling optimistic, it is even more difficult. However, it is possible to cultivate a positive mindset and foster contentment, even in environments that may seem stressful. […]

The #1 Strategy To Overcoming Your Fear Of Public Speaking

Lucy Paulise career coaching fear of public speaking

Public speaking is a big fear these days, especially after so many months of being hidden behind your laptop; attending a face-to-face 3 to 4 people meeting is stressful. So what is the one thing you can do to overcome public speaking fear?

6 Tips To Reacting More Positively To Feedback

react more positively to feedback by lucy paulise

It’s time for performance evaluation for most companies. While it is usually a very exhausting and stressful time for leaders, team members also suffer. Taking feedback positively, as a normal part of the career growth, is not easy. What can you do about it?