7 Effective Strategies To Manage Up Without Overworking

Lucy Paulise career coaching managing up without overworking

Many employees struggle with overworking or experiencing imposter syndrome due to a poor relationship with their managers. Whether you are the type of employee who spends most of your time adjusting to your boss’s way of working, or on the contrary, you think managing up is not your style, there is a sweet middle.

4 Ways To Say No And Manage Your Time More Intentionally

Lucy Paulise career coach how to say no

If you are overwhelmed and overextended at work, you may need to practice the time management tool of saying “no” more often. Article originally posted by Lucy Paulise @Forbes.com Saying “no” doesn’t come easy for many of us. We often overextend ourselves, whether it’s due to people-pleasing, fear of missing out or underestimating the time […]

Improve Your Productivity During Meetings by 94%

meeting productivity

Meetings could be the most productive part of your day, as well as the least productive. The C-suite typically spends around 72% of the time in meetings. You can reduce your meeting time by 94% by applying SMED, just like Formula 1 cars.