How To Build A Strengths-Based Career Through Personality Assessments

Lucy Paulise career coaching emotional intelligence assessment strengths-based

Aligning your professional path with your inherent strengths and personality traits is crucial for achieving long-term success and happiness, to be honest. Unfortunately, this is not how many career paths are designed at companies nowadays. Performance reviews focus too much on what is wrong, what is missing, and what needs to be improved but too little on your strengths and what you should continue unlocking.

Personality assessments are pivotal in this process, offering deep insights into one’s unique traits and preferences.

They key to success? The true power of these assessments is unlocked when paired with professional coaching.

6 Ways To Engage Gen Z And Millennials On Your Team

Lucy Paulise career coaching engaging younger generations millennials, gen z

In today’s ever-changing workplace, it is essential to understand and engage effectively with different generations for the success of any organization, starting with the younger ones.

#genz #millennials #Engagement

How To Best Prepare For A Job Interview In 10 Steps

How To Best Prepare For A Job Interview In 10 Steps by lucy paulise career coach

Job interviews are crucial moments that can significantly impact the course of your career in the highly competitive world of professional growth. Adequate preparation is the key to success, and a well-crafted strategy can make all the difference.