8 tips for doing more with less

do more with less by lucy Paulise

My motto this year is to do more with less.

Doing more with less could become the way to stop this vicious circle of self-pressure for many of you. Whether it’s maximizing productivity by working fewer hours or finding ways to spend more time doing what you love, finding ways to get more out of what we have can be a valuable skill.

Here are a few tips for doing more with less:

5 Tips To Stop Worrying About Your Perfectionism

Lucy Paulise career coaching perfectionism

Perfectionism is one of those traits that you can describe in your resume or job interview as both a weakness and a strength. On the one hand, it motivates you to excel at your results, but on the other, it can cause you unnecessary anxiety and even annoy people around you. So what can you do to get the best out of both worlds?

Improve Your Productivity During Meetings by 94%

meeting productivity

Meetings could be the most productive part of your day, as well as the least productive. The C-suite typically spends around 72% of the time in meetings. You can reduce your meeting time by 94% by applying SMED, just like Formula 1 cars.