The 10-Minute Rule To Stay Focused: How To Manage Distractions

Lucy Paulise 10- minute focus rule sunsama timebox

One of the biggest challenges to staying focused is the constant urge to check your phone or scroll social media. These small distractions can seriously derail your productivity.

Try the “10-minute rule”: when the urge hits, just wait 10 minutes. That short pause helps you resist temptation, and most of the time, the distraction passes—so you can get back to your task with renewed focus.

Leading With Curiosity: 4 Ways To Build Trust And Drive Results

Lucy Paulise career coaching leading with curiosity

Leading with curiosity offers numerous benefits that extend beyond the workplace. It fosters psychological safety, strengthens assertiveness, enhances collaboration, and reduces stress for both leaders and their teams. These advantages create a foundation for growth, innovation, and resilience in any organization.

Utilizing a Coaching Approach for Constructive Feedback Discussions

Utilizing a Coaching Approach for Positive Feedback Discussions lucy paulise

As a manager, delivering constructive feedback is crucial for your employees’ growth. However, not everyone may be receptive to hearing it. While challenging, adopting a coaching approach can help you navigate these constructive conversations confidently and productively.  Article Originally posted by Lucy Paulise @Forbes While not wrong, the typical “sandwich” approach can sometimes obscure the […]

How To Build A Strengths-Based Career Through Personality Assessments

Lucy Paulise career coaching emotional intelligence assessment strengths-based

Aligning your professional path with your inherent strengths and personality traits is crucial for achieving long-term success and happiness, to be honest. Unfortunately, this is not how many career paths are designed at companies nowadays. Performance reviews focus too much on what is wrong, what is missing, and what needs to be improved but too little on your strengths and what you should continue unlocking.

Personality assessments are pivotal in this process, offering deep insights into one’s unique traits and preferences.

They key to success? The true power of these assessments is unlocked when paired with professional coaching.