How To Learn More about A Company Before Accepting a Job Offer

Lucy Paulise career transition coaching

Job search websites like Glassdoor, Blind, and Fishbowl are focusing on facilitating anonymous company culture-related discussions to help employees. Glassdoor’s redesigned platform allows users to engage in real-time conversations and obtain career advice, with various levels of anonymity. A survey indicates 68% of U.S. employees want to anonymously ask questions within their workplace.

Why You Need To Speak Up: 3 Ways To Master Assertiveness At Work

Why You Need To Speak Up: 3 Ways To Master Assertiveness At Work by Lucy Paulise

In today’s hybrid workplaces, many employees need help to speak up and make their voices heard. The fear of being fired or appearing uninformed intimidates them greatly. However, it’s essential to realize the benefits of overcoming this fear. Assertive communication at work can result in personal and organizational growth. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand why […]

6 Strategies To Navigate Anxiety After A Layoff

anxiety after a layoff by Lucy Paulise

Losing your job can be a complicated and overwhelming experience that can affect your emotions. Reframing how you think about it will allow you to manage anxiety.

#careercoaching #anxiety #layoff