Utilizing a Coaching Approach for Constructive Feedback Discussions

As a manager, delivering constructive feedback is crucial for your employees’ growth. However, not everyone may be receptive to hearing it. While challenging, adopting a coaching approach can help you navigate these constructive conversations confidently and productively. Article Originally posted by Lucy Paulise @Forbes While not wrong, the typical “sandwich” approach can sometimes obscure the […]
6 Tips To Reacting More Positively To Feedback

It’s time for performance evaluation for most companies. While it is usually a very exhausting and stressful time for leaders, team members also suffer. Taking feedback positively, as a normal part of the career growth, is not easy. What can you do about it?
9 Tactics To Master Constructive Feedback And Inspire Growth

One of the most effective ways to avoid demotivating employees is to establish a culture of continuous feedback.
How To Land A Fractional Role: The Path To Career Flexibility

With fractional positions, executives can work fewer hours per week or for a limited period of time, and companies can pay only for the services they require.
Reduce These 8 Hidden Wastes To Stay Productive Not Overwhelmed

Amid our hectic daily routines, it’s easy to become consumed by the whirlwind of activity around us. But we must pause and take stock of any hidden inefficiencies that may be holding us back. This way, we can avoid being overwhelmed and instead channel our energy into being truly productive.
8 tips for doing more with less

My motto this year is to do more with less.
Doing more with less could become the way to stop this vicious circle of self-pressure for many of you. Whether it’s maximizing productivity by working fewer hours or finding ways to spend more time doing what you love, finding ways to get more out of what we have can be a valuable skill.
Here are a few tips for doing more with less:
What Is Online Coaching And Why You Should Get A Coach Too

As LinkedIn Global Talent Trends continue to show that upskilling is one of employees’ top five priorities, employers look to offer new learning opportunities. As a result, coaching stands out as one of the most requested employee benefits
9 signs that you have impostor syndrome and how to overcome it

70 percent of people experienced impostor syndrome for at least some part of their careers or even early on as students. And particularly now that remote work is more common, employees tend to feel the impostor syndrome even more often as they lack their manager’s feedback or the visibility required to validate their performance.
3 Steps To Empowering Employees To Make Decisions And Solve Problems

New generations of employees seem to be willing to ask for more opportunities to collaborate and engage at work. Allowing employees to solve problems is a fantastic opportunity that organizations can provide to drive engagement and fight the disastrous “Great Resignation” and “quiet quitting.”
Why You Should Have More Effective One-on-one Meetings

As a leader, facilitate interactions among the members and become a coach for them. Listen to their needs, identify their blocks and strengths, and help them build a path to grow. But this can be done during a team meeting or a retrospective. Individualize your support through frequent one-on-one sessions. Meet them where they are, when they need it the most.