The 10-Minute Rule To Stay Focused: How To Manage Distractions

Lucy Paulise 10- minute focus rule sunsama timebox

One of the biggest challenges to staying focused is the constant urge to check your phone or scroll social media. These small distractions can seriously derail your productivity.

Try the “10-minute rule”: when the urge hits, just wait 10 minutes. That short pause helps you resist temptation, and most of the time, the distraction passes—so you can get back to your task with renewed focus.

4 Ways To Say No And Manage Your Time More Intentionally

Lucy Paulise career coach how to say no

If you are overwhelmed and overextended at work, you may need to practice the time management tool of saying “no” more often. Article originally posted by Lucy Paulise Saying “no” doesn’t come easy for many of us. We often overextend ourselves, whether it’s due to people-pleasing, fear of missing out or underestimating the time […]

5 Time Management Essentials To Kick-Start Productivity After Summer

Lucy Paulise career coaching time management essentials timeboxing

Summer might be winding down, but your productivity doesn’t have to. From mastering inbox zero to timeboxing and undergoing a dopamine detox, these five essentials will help you power through the post-summer slump and set yourself up for success for the rest of the year.

Here Is Why Batching Emails Beats Continuous Checking

Lucy Paulise career coaching email management batching timeboxing

Discover how batching your emails instead of continuously checking them can significantly boost your productivity, reduce stress, and enhance your focus. Learn practical tips to optimize your email management and transform your workday.